• Duration: 4.5 hours A panel of Autism and Neurodiversity advocates with neuro-affirming approaches make up the Alternatives To ABA on-demand course. ABA is outdated and abusive to Autistic people and this course explores the alternative options.
    Course participants will receive certificate of completion at end of course!
    This course will be ideal for all helping professionals, therapists, teachers, SNAs, carers, parents as well as Autistic people themselves.
  • "As a secondary school teacher I am so impressed . I now have a real understanding of Autism" Caragh Ní Chroimín, Secondary School Teacher   Our live autism course with for teachers offers you an opportunity to interact with other teachers and an Autistic trainer You will have opportunities to :
    • problem solve
    • update your skills
    • learn effective strategies
    • gain a real insight into Autistic pupils
    • develop best practises for your classroom
    This 8 hours course takes place live through zoom on Thursdays 26th September, 3rd October, 10th October & 17th October 7-9pm GMT Investment includes certificate of completion, access to the recording, presentation slides and resources.
  • On the face of it, many characteristics of being Autistic and many of those for ADHD seem to fly in opposite directions. However, probably about a third of Autistics also are ADHD, so how does that even work? Can you really be distracted and focused, novelty-oriented and sameness-oriented, empathetic and unempathetic, creative and pedantic? A lot of the answers lie in breaking down simple assumptions and stereotypes like those, but also in digging deeper into how and why characteristics such as these arise to start with. By exploring questions like these, we will build a picture of how life works for ‘shiny sparkles’ (Autistic ADHDers), and how the combination can often result in some exceptional creativity along the way. This course is ideal for Autistics suspecting they have ADHD. but would also be useful for teachers, SNAs, GPs, family members, therapists etc. Course Length 2hrs 30mins Investment includes certificate of completion, lifetime access and presentation slides.
  • Join Scott Neilson (he/him) in a session on Autistic Joy and Passionate Interests!   Topics Covered: Why passionate interests are so important to Autistic people Positive implications our interests they have for our wellbeing Autistic joy Interest-led learning Where interests can lead to for Autistic people   This session is aimed at Autistic people, as well as families and professionals who want to understand the importance of our interests.   Course length: 1 hour 13 mins Receive a certificate on completion of this course!
  • Sensory sensitivity is the latest addition to the diagnostic criteria used by clinicians assessing Autistics, less than a decade ago. However, Autistic people have been well aware just how prominent a characteristic this is for a lot longer, and understanding of the diversity and importance of those sensitivities is central to appreciating just how ‘being Autistic’ works on a daily basis. This session is ideal for parents, teachers, SNAs & therapists. Course length 2hrs 30mins Investment includes certificate of completion, lifetime access and presentation slides.
  • This on-demand course is ideal for parents and carers of Autistic children and teens. It would also be vital for helping professionals, including Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Therapists, Psychologists, SENCo’s and Career Guidance Counsellors, SNAs, Teachers and other professionals working in a therapeutic, clinical or educational setting. Duration: 2 hours Once you complete this on-demand course you will receive a certificate of completion!
  • Join Scott Neilson (he/him) in a session on Exploring Autistic Empathy!   Topics Covered: Myths and outdated theories around Autistic Empathy How Autistic people express empathy Autistic-led research on Autistic Empathy This session is aimed at Autistic people, families and anyone who supports Autistic people to get a better understanding of how empathy is expressed by our community Course length: 1 hour 25mins Receive a cert on completion of this course!
  • This course explains the many functions behind stimming and what the Autistic person is communicating through their stims. Stimming is Autistic language. We communicate through movement and sounds first. Words are our second language. 

    This session is ideal for Autistic people themselves, but also useful for teachers, SNAs, family members, therapists and employers.

    Investment includes certificate of completion, lifetime access to the course and course materials.

    Course Length 2hr

  • Much that gets written about Autistics focuses on description, of traits, of ‘symptoms,’ of ‘behaviours,’ of likes and dislikes, of abilities and impairments. This is akin to describing the exterior of a house while remaining oblivious to how that building functions as a home to live in. Join us to explore the How and Why behind the ways Autistic people think, feel, imagine, hope, and how that plays out in real life scenarios. This course is ideal for parents, teachers, SNAs & therapists, but would also be useful for Autistic adults Course length 2hrs 30mins Investment includes certificate of completion, lifetime access and presentation slides.
  • Join Scott Neilson (he/him) in a course on Nurturing Autistic Identity!   Topics Covered: Cultivating a positive Autistic identity Self-expression Autonomy and self-advocacy Self-compassion Autistic pride   Length: 1 hour 57 mins Receive a certificate on completion of this course!
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