Nurturing Autistic Identity Course


Join Scott Neilson (he/him) in a course on Nurturing Autistic Identity!


Topics Covered:
Cultivating a positive Autistic identity


Autonomy and self-advocacy


Autistic pride


Length: 1 hour 57 mins
Receive a certificate on completion of this course!


Join Scott Neilson (he/him) in a course on Nurturing Autistic Identity! Scott is an Autistic trainer, speaker and consultant in Scotland. He is dedicated to informing people of Autistic experience and Autistic culture. One of his passions is to help Autistic people discover themselves and embody their authentic Autistic expression.

You can find Scott’s website here

This course explores ways to cultivate a positive Autistic identity. It will look at the intersectionality of identity, internalised ableism and being able to express ourselves. It also focuses on building autonomy, self-advocacy for Autistic people, fostering self-compassion and how it is possible to be proud to be Autistic.

This course is aimed at Autistic people looking to understand their own identity.
It would also be beneficial for families and professionals to support Autistic people on their journey of discovering who they are.


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