AUsome Cards – Digital


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Your Friend tells you they’re Autistic. What do you say? How do you respond?

Send them an AUsome Congratulations card!

Join in our Autistic Pride and send a positive message to someone today

Digital A6 card in PDF format for €1.95


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Congratulations cards are one way we can respond positively when someone finds out they are Autistic. At AUsome Training we are constantly looking for ways to change the negative narrative around being Autistic. What better way to do this than to congratulate someone when they find out they’re Autistic!

When we ask parents of Autistic children and Autistic people themselves what sort of responses they receive when they share that they are Autistic we get a whole range of negative responses unfortunately. People are regularly told “I’m sorry to hear that” or “But they look so normal!”. Neither of these responses are helpful and only add to the stigma around being Autistic.

Being Autistic is not a tragedy. Many people believe it is but where has that idea come from? It hasn’t come from the thousands of Autistic people who are proud of our identity and do not wish to be any other way! Unfortunately the story around autism was created by the medical model and charities that support this. Autistic people were excluded from the story around our own existence for decades. This is changing and AUsome Training is a part of this exciting, positive change.

So please join us in changing the negative story about us. Celebrate our way of being, help us to end the awful stigma and discrimination we face as a community. Share in our Autistic Pride.  Start be sending a message of positivity to your Autistic friend, co-worker, employer, friend’s child, neighbour. Send a congratulations card anywhere worldwide to spread some AUsomeness!

The Autistic Community is your community.

We are parents, neighbours, teachers, painters, doctors, friends,  cleaners, siblings, shop assistants, aunts and uncles, authors, artists, colleagues, bus-drivers, architects, plumbers, psychologists, dancers, nieces and nephews, designers, partners,  business owners, cousins,  engineers, hairdressers and any other human role you can think of!

Thank you for sharing some positivity!




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