ADHD Training




CPD points – 21 hours


Dates:  Sun 13th Oct 10am to 5pm with Maqqi and Gillian 

Sat 19th Oct 10am to 5pm with Eoin 

Sat 9th November  10am to 5pm Katie Kerley 

Sun 10th November 10am to 1pm Katie Kerley 




Session 1-4 with Stiof MacAmhalghaigh & Gillian Kearns

Session 5-8 with Eoin Stephens

Session 9-12 with Katie Kerley

Session 13-14 with Katie Kerley


Click here for full course outline & learning outcomes


Assessmentsubmit a learning summary 4-8 pages after final day of course OR a video recording of your learning summary.


Course Facilitators:


Stiof MacAmhalghaigh is our Subject Matter Expert at AUSome Training. Stiof is an Autistic theorist, trainer and campaigner with decades of experience supporting neurodivergent students. Self-identified as Autistic at 12, they gained clinical confirmation at 30. Stiof has worked on developing a comprehensive Autistic-oriented theory of Autistic living for over a decade, publishing, presenting and training on this work internationally via conferences, Autistic Union, and most recently through their Infinite Diversity blog and Ausome Training webinars.


Gillian Kearns is a dedicated Early Childhood educator with a wealth of experience spanning the primary education and child protection sectors. With a strong focus on fostering collaboration and improving relationships and outcomes, Gillian has made a significant impact throughout her career. Gillian’s passion lies in supporting adults and young people to work together harmoniously, promoting a positive and inclusive environment.


Eoin Stephens (BA Psychology, Dip Counselling, MA Cognitive-Behavioural Counselling, MIACP, MACI.) Eoin is a therapist & trainer who has worked in the areas of Disability, Counselling/Psychotherapy, Addiction & Mental Health for over 30 years, specialising in an individualised, integrative approach to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. He was particularly active in the field of Behavioural Addictions for a number of years, as well as working at a senior level in counselling/psychotherapy education, and received the Irish Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy Carl Berkeley Memorial Award in 2010.


Katie Kerley is an occupational therapist and clinical director of Horizons Therapy Services in Dundalk. Katie is multiply neurodivergent (Autistic, ADHD and Dyspraxic) and has a strong interest in supporting neurodivergent people be their truest and most authentic selves. Katie specialises in sensory processing and how it affects meaningful occupation. Katie provides one to one therapy to both children and adults, as well as OT assessments, and enjoys taking a person centred, lived experience and rights-based approach to each individual.


If you haven’t done our DAWN course, find out more here


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