Cothú Pete Wharmby

 1,150.00 2,950.00

Welcome to COTHÚ with Pete Wharmby– our online program for professionals who wish to become licensed parenting course providers.

Course dates & times

Course Dates in Irish / UK Time (GMT):

Tuesdays 10am to 2.30pm


May 20th, 27th and June 3rd
Sept 9th, 16th and 23rd

Based outside of Ireland? Convert your time zone.

All sessions take place online on Zoom.



COTHÚ (pronounced ka-hoo), Irish for nurture, is a unique neurodiversity-affirming alternative to EarlyBird and Cygnet, designed and delivered by our award-winning trainers who are Autistic themselves. 

Cothú offers parents a different view of their child, a very human view. It is full of practical toolsexercises and opportunities for growth and relationship buildingWe will give you everything you need to deliver this empowering coursein person to parents of Autistic children and teens. 


Find out more on our Train with Pete Page or book a free consultation.


If you wish to train a large team, please get in touch to arrange your own dates (worldwide online or in-person/online in Ireland).

Additional information

Course date

Train with Pete May 20th, 27th and June 3rd, 10am to 2.30pm,  Train with Pete Sept 9th, 16th and 23rd 10am to 2.30pm

Course Option

If delivering parents course free of charge – fee €1150, If charging for delivering parents course – fee €2950

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