• This is the first in a series of 3 social skills books designed to help kids  explore how we communicate and how others communicate. It is suitable for kids aged 4 onwards. It offers ways to self advocate. Unlike most social skills books written by people who are not Autistic and do not understand Autistic communication, this book does not encourage children to mimic or copy communication which is not natural to us. Many social skills program unfortunately encourage children to mask , which in turn leads to poor mental health. This book is a celebration of our way of communicating and an introduction to non-autistic communication. It encourages positive identity and self confidence. What topics do we cover?
    • Worry Words
    • Things to talk about
    • Body Language
    • Reading Facial Expressions
    • Direct Speech v Indirect Speech
    • My Feelings
    • Mixed Messages
    • Tone of Voice
    • Making Friends
    • Conversations
    The Digital version is available in the following formats: PDF & epub Author, Evaleen talks you through her books here 
  • We are delighted to offer our INCLUDE program 'as gaeilge'.

    Clár do scoileanna agus do chlubanna leis an Néara-éagsúlacht a chothú agus a chur chun cinn le páistí san aoisghrúpa 5 - 12 bliain d'aois (nó thart air sin)

    Order now for immediate download. The book will appear in your account under "my downloads".
  • A wonderful program for schools and clubs who are committed to promoting Neurodiversity and Inclusion with children aged 5 to 12 yrs Order now for immediate download. The book will appear in your account under "my downloads".
  • This beautiful book is the newest in our series of empowering books for Neurodivergent kids and teens Ideal for parents or professionals working with Autistic children and teens looking for Neurodiversity- affirming ways to explore diagnoses or identity. “What matters most is what we think and feel about ourselves. Your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship or friendship you will ever have.” Evaleen
  • What are visual supports for autistic people, how might they help, and how can I make some? If you’ve ever wondered these questions (or more!) about tangible or digital items such as picture schedules, first-then displays, or step-by-step instructions for autistics of all ages, this  webinar is for you! Appropriate for autistic/similar viewers as well as support people such as families, teachers, and assistants!
  • A Guide for Building your Affirming Organisation or Group- Digital Version (reduced colour version)

    By Scott Neilson and Laura Hellfeld    
  • A Guide for Building your Affirming Organisation or Group- Digital Version (full colour version)

    By Scott Neilson and Laura Hellfeld    
  • This is part one of a  two-part webinar series in collaboration with Harry Thompson PDA Extraordinaire Ideal for Autistic people, parents, carers, professionals and schools Autistic people need to be supported to be ourselves- we need a strong sense of who we are and pride in our identities. Part one : Building Autistic Integrity in Autistic children Course length 2hr 40mins Investment includes lifetime access and certificate of completion
  • This is part two of a  two-part webinar series in collaboration with Harry Thompson PDA Extraordinaire Ideal for Autistic people, parents, carers, professionals and schools Autistic people need to be supported to be ourselves- we need a strong sense of who we are and pride in our identities. Part two : Building Autistic Integrity in Autistic Adults Course length 2hr 30mins Investment includes lifetime access and certificate of completion
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