Get Konnected! Neuro-affirming Social Support Course

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Welcome to GET KONNECTED – our online program for professionals who support Autistic kids and teens socially.


Course length

5 days over 3 months, running from 10am-5pm UTC+1 (for Europe) or UTC+10 (for Australia/NZ) each day.

Convert to your time zone.

Course dates

Please check back later for dates


All sessions take place online on Zoom.

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.


GET KONNECTED is a unique neurodiversity-affirming answer to all the harmful & outdated social skills programs out there, designed and delivered by our award-winning trainers who are Autistic themselves.


A 5-day collaborative deep dive where we learn from each other and gain insights into the social experiences of Autistic kids and teens.

By exploring communication through Evaleen’s Six S’s of Social Interaction together we can find new ways to support our young clients.


Places are strictly limited to 25 participants, so early booking is advised.

Choose from 2 time zones: Europe (UTC+1-Dublin) and Australia (UTC+10-Melbourne).


Find out more on our Get Konnected Page or book a free consultation.

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