Firstly, thank you for joining our AUsome community. We’re so happy to have you here. We’re looking forward to seeing you at your AUsome Training Course very soon.
We have dedicated the past six years to researching the very best information for you.
I founded AUsome Training to support people who want to really understand what it means to be Autistic. To truly understand we must first challenge our existing thinking. We are here to help you do just that.
When I was first diagnosed as an adult six years ago I wasted a lot of time, money and energy reading books, attending conferences and courses in the hope of finding answers.
Very quickly I saw that a lot of what was being said by “experts” was not reflective of my own experiences and that of the many other Autistic people I had come to know.
It seemed like all the theories, approaches and ideas were just all very similar and all based on stereotypical and inaccurate ideas.
I needed to know more. Over the past six years I have researched trauma, science, biology, psychology, history of psychiatry, early childhood development, oppression and autism research among other things so that I could fully explain what being Autistic means outside of the very limited ideas held by the medical world.
If all that you have heard about autism is that it is deficit based then it can be difficult to jump to where AUsome Training is at right now with our thinking.
Starting your journey to learn about the beauty of Autistic ways can be difficult when all you have ever heard is the negatives of autism.
AUsome Training Courses: 21st Century Thinking
AUsome Training courses are not for everyone. Our training is designed to take your understanding of autism into 21st century. It will challenge you. It will mean that you have to unlearn almost everything you’ve already heard about autism thus far. We understand that it’s a hard task to question your believes but we will help you through it. It’s even harder to accept that professional advice that has been given to you is not only incorrect but often damaging to Autistic people. This is why AUsome Training is crafted in line with thinking from the Autistic Community.
If you want to hear about core deficits of autism then we are not for you. If you want to learn how to stamp out or redirect “behaviours” then we are not for you because our training focuses on explaining why these “behaviours” occur. We show you ways to track the triggers and how to eliminate or eleviate the causes. We support you to develop a true understanding and empathy for the Autistic people in your life.
AUsome Training is pro-Autistic and also acknowledges that Autistic people have many wonderful things to offer this world. We do not encourage masking or behavioural approaches. We encourage a proud Autistic identity.
Autism is not a condition
If you believe that autism is a developmental condition or a disorder then we we explain in great detail why it is not. Read more about this here
If you want to use ABA against Autistics then it’s important that you know that AUsome Training does not promote or support the abuse of Autistic people. ABA is considered abuse of Autistic children and there’s an excellent volume of reasons behind this which you can read here
It’s important to us that “autism” isn’t blamed for everything an Autistic person does. We need to evaluate the environment in which we live and the impact that environment has on the mental well-being of Autistic people. This is the focus of most of our training.
We’ll show you all the holes in existing theory and share the realities for Autistic people instead of talking about a condition that magically creates issues for people. Our AUsome training courses will challenge you to look at Autistic people from a new perspective, from the Autistic perspective.
Our training will bend your mind…

AUsome Training has been described as “mind bending“, “eye-opening” and “thought-provoking“.
Yael Clark, Educational & Developmental Psychologist from Melbourne, Australia who recently completed our Get Konnected Social Skills Course describes her experience like this:
“Evaleen is going to make you think! She’ll challenge your assumptions and take your understanding of autism to a whole new level. As a trainer, an author, and as an autistic advocate, Evaleen has added both to my professional knowledge and my self-knowledge.”
Jean Power is a play therapist from West Cork who attended one of AUsome Training’s live courses in January. Jean said that it was the best training she has ever attended. “It was very real, clear and informative“. She went on to say “it completely opened my mind“.
We look forward to seeing you soon at your AUsome Training Course!