Konnect 1 – Digital


This is the first in a series of 3 social skills books designed to help kids  explore how we communicate and how others communicate. It is suitable for kids aged 4 onwards.

It offers ways to self advocate. Unlike most social skills books written by people who are not Autistic and do not understand Autistic communication, this book does not encourage children to mimic or copy communication which is not natural to us.

Many social skills program unfortunately encourage children to mask , which in turn leads to poor mental health. This book is a celebration of our way of communicating and an introduction to non-autistic communication. It encourages positive identity and self confidence.

What topics do we cover?

  • Worry Words
  • Things to talk about
  • Body Language
  • Reading Facial Expressions
  • Direct Speech v Indirect Speech
  • My Feelings
  • Mixed Messages
  • Tone of Voice
  • Making Friends
  • Conversations

The Digital version is available in the following formats: PDF & epub

Author, Evaleen talks you through her books here 



 “I wish I had had these books when I was a child!” says Yael Clark about our Konnect Social Skills Books for children. “I am using these  for my child clients . I finally feel like my support of Autistic children is affirming and strengths-based, fostering self-respect and self-advocacy skills in my young clients while helping them to make sense of the social rules of the world in which we live.”  Yael Clark. Educational & Developmental Psychologist.  Melbourne, Australia.

Konnect 1 is the first book on this series of social skills books for children who are Autistic. They are written by an Autistic Teacher. Konnect 1 is full of positive messages about autism and activities to help kids aged 4 plus navigate the non-autistic social world, while maintaining a positive self identity. These social skills books for children are the result of 44 years of living as an Autistic in a predominantly non-autistic world, 20 years of teaching  and of 6 years of providing social skills courses for children and training for parents and professionals.

Here’s what Neuropsychologist, Dr. Catherine Crompton says about our social skills books:

“The Konnect Social Skills Book Series for children are the first social skills activity books to help neurodiverse young people embrace and harness their individual ways of communicating. The activities allow children to find their own ways to express themselves, and learn more about themselves and others. They support children to develop the skills to communicate what they think and how they feel in diverse ways. They encourage children to build confidence and relationships in a way that works with them, using their diverse strengths. It’s so important to have materials created by neurodivergent members of the community, and Evaleen has combined her experiences as an Autistic person with her expertise in speech and drama to create truly unique and valuable social skills resources.”

Dr. Catherine Crompton is a research neuropsychologist at The Patrick Wild Centre, University of Edinburgh. Her current research explores neurodiverse social interaction or “social skills”,  and how autism-specific social behaviours facilitate interactions between Autistic peers.  Her research re-conceptualises social intelligence within a neurodiversity framework, challenging the notion that there is only one legitimate form of social intelligence.

These social skills books for children are also supported by our Get Konnected Course for professionals.

Konnect 1 is suitable for age 4 plus

Konnect 2 is suitable for age 6 plus (using book 1 first)

Konnect 3 is suitable for age 8 plus (using book 1 and 2 first)

They are best used as a series , using book 1 as a foundation to the next 2 books

We are also running social skills classes for children and teens on our sister site Konfident Kidz


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