An introduction to Gestalt Language


Where?: Zoom

When?: Wednesday 18th September  7-9pm Irish Standard Time

Cost: €10 non-members and €5 for Members*


Recording Included? Yes, if you can’t make the webinar live you’ll be sent the recording


(*members use code emailed to you to book in)


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We will learn about the stages of gestalt language acquisition which are described in the Natural Language Acquisition Framework (developed by Marge Blanc). Practical advice will be provided for supporters to honour and nurture the gestalt language of
Autistic children or adults. Key aspects to supporting GLPS will be discovered –trust, sensory regulation, intrinsic motivation, and AAC (augmentative and alternative forms of communication)

Elaine is a neurodivergent-affirming speech and language therapist who has worked with Autistic children and young people for over 20 years. She is the founder of Access Communication Ltd where she provides speech and language therapy services for Autistic children and young people. She advocates for non-behavioural based therapy supports which honour autistic communication so that Autistic children and young people can are empowered to be their most authentic self. Elaine is the co-founder of Divergent Perspectives, providing training in neurodivergent-affirming approaches for health and education professionals.

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