AUmazing Professional Membership – Teens and Kids

Professional Working With
Teens & Kids

Support, understand, affirm

Am I doing enough?

You’re here asking this question so be assured you’re already doing enough. We will help build your confidence and alleviate such worries.

Am I doing it right?

Our membership will steer you in the right direction. We will support you to understand the world from your client’s perspective.

What does the future hold?

ur present determines our future so by signing up to our membership, you can focus on helping your clients reach their full potential.

…time to let go of these worries with our annual memberships:

whats included child professionals

An AUmazing Professional Membership is for you if…

…You want to understand and embrace Neurodiversity
…You want to connect with your Autistic clients and their community
…You want to help your clients thrive and live authentically

understanding children

Understanding – see the world from the perspective of the kids and teens in your practice

community children ausome membership

Community – monthly online sessions for members on the second Monday of each month 8.30pm to 9.30pm GMT

connection children

Connection – meet fellow practitioners, Autistic adults, and parents

On demand courses included in your membership

ABA has been proven to be harmful to the Autistic community, but what alternatives are there? Find out in this course. (Course length: 4 hrs 30 mins)

9 speakers sharing their expertise and practical tips on a range of topics including Autistic Culture, Autistic Rights, and mental health. (Course length: 7Hrs 42mins)

Did you know it’s widely considered that words are an Autistic person’s 2nd language? We communicate through sounds and movement first! (Course length: 1hr 36mins)

Learn why anxiety is so common among Autistic people and the relationship between it and masking. (Course length: 2hrs 51min)

Unsure how to support semi-speaking or non-speaking children? This course will shed some light on how to begin. (Course length: 2 hrs)

How can I help Autistic children through their meltdowns? Practical advice to reduce stress and overload for the child. (Course length: 2 hrs 30 mins)

Trauma is higher in the Autistic population but it can appear different than in non-autistic people. Learn why. (Course length: 3 hrs)

“It’s sensory”… now what does that mean? Learn how our sensory systems work, differing needs and helpful strategies to create better environments. (Course length: 2 hrs 30 mins)

Sign up now and get bonus course Alternatives to ABA worth €135 absolutely FREE

First 100 sign ups only

 course Alternatives to ABA

“Ausome training has given me insight and information that has allowed me to be client-centred and understand the lived experience of the Autistic community in a way that no other training has.”

Katie Kerley, Occupational Therapist, Horizons Therapy

“My mind is blown away by your Understanding Behaviour course. I can’t believe what are we actually made to think about autistic people from books, articles, society etc. I will be able to put your valuable information in use”

Agne Grimalauskaite, Childcare Worker

Frequently Asked Questions

AUsome’s work is neuro-affirming at its core. This means we believe Autistic adults and children do not need to be “fixed” or “changed.” We believe meeting the person where they are at and empowering them to live their most authentic, content, lives.

Your membership is annual so we will remind you when you are due for renewal. Your membership is not automatically renewed.

The current research shows that most of the “traditional” approaches harm Autistic clients, unfortunately leading to a greater likelihood of the development of PTSD in the client (Kupferstein, 2018). Our understanding of Autism and Autistic people has changed so much over the past 5 years – and there has been much discovered regarding the importance of ethical practices when working with neurodivergent clients. Our membership courses will help you to learn to provide support that respects Autistic clients’ unique needs and experiences.

Absolutely. All our course materials are created by Autistic people, in line with the current research, and all of our work is trauma-informed. Our membership courses offer valuable professional development opportunities that will set you apart. You will also be sure to learn during our monthly members’ meet ups on Zoom, as these will be composed of Autistic adults, fellow professionals, and parents of Autistic children.

You can start with the ones that are most relevant to your needs right now and work through them in that order. Each course is a stand-alone course so it’s okay to decide the order for yourself.

If you need a suggestion from us then we would suggest taking them in this order:

A once-off annual payment is the payment method.
We are currently not offering payment plans with this package.

Community and Support!

Our AUsome monthly events give you a chance to connect with other members who are parents, Autistic adults, school staff and fellow professionals. In our ten years of providing training and support spaces we have seen the most wonderful connections and empathy in these kind of mixed groups. Everyone is here to learn and we can meet each other with kindness and understanding when we understand each other’s experiences better. These live sessions take place on Zoom and are a great chance for our AUsome Community to learn from each other, share and build empathy in our community.

Monthly sessions will vary. Some months we’ll offer a live educational webinar, other months we’ll have a guest speaker or we’ll use the live sessions to share our own experiences and build community, choosing a topic we can all contribute to. Live sessions will not be recorded in order to protect the privacy of our members. They will take place the second Monday of each month 8.30pm to 9.30pm GMT . You’ll be sent a Zoom link via email to join. It will be the same link for each monthly event. Our monthly events are community events which means parents will attend along with Autistic adults, professionals, school staff – all with a variety of neurotypes, backgrounds and cultures.

Then that’s absolutely fine! You can sign up for our AUsome Professional Membership (teens & kids) instead of the AUmazing membership which gives you all the same courses without the monthly live sessions

No, we’ve got your covered. We will support your learning journey every step of the way so you can learn from the on-demand courses and bring your questions up at the monthly live sessions

Because we are Autistic and committed to making positive changes in the lives of Autistic kids and parents just like you.
We take the utmost care to be at the top of our game when it comes to providing the very best information and support to you.

We work with psychotherapists, early years childcare educators, psychologists, and Autistic adults who have dedicated themselves to bringing their research and experience to the community. The team and the trainers we collaborate with spend thousands of hours researching, learning and developing the very best courses for you.